Finding your own path – Individually & Together

Sometimes it can be challenging to navigate through life as an individual. Especially in times where we are undergoing a phase of change. Moreover, we are living in a society that offers us a lot of possibilities, freedom and liberation of old structures. Where to start, what to prioritize, and what is actually possible within my own limitations and maybe even more important: Who am I within all these outside distractions? How can I open up to more love, balance, focus and my very individual understanding of worth of life?

With my gift of seeing structures and bondings of people, I can help you find answers to these questions, overcome obstacles and open up to the potential of your very unique and natural being. By making steps towards an inner change the outside can unfold for you and new pathways will become possible realities within your life. I will help you to discover what suits you best so you can choose to set your focus towards a more fulfilling direction in your life and navigate concrete steps into realization. 

Moreover, if you are coming to me as a couple I can show both sides how old structures, triggers & attachments work together to keep up the memorized reality of the past. A constant repetition of the past is often very well hidden in more superficial daily problems and conflicts as a couple. Within the realizations and revealing of the true source of conflicts, big steps of human interacting within the relationship can be made. Boundaries, needs and wishes will get a prioritized reality in daily life. Acceptance of the own patterns will also open up to the "failures" of the partner. Moving toward an eye-level contact, as you both start embracing this process as a chance to grow. As an individual and a couple, big progress is possible.


The leap into the unknown opens your potential

Experience your personal growth. Individually & Together

During this kind of coaching session I will read your energetic field to recognize structures and blind spots and guide you through the process of realization by making it feel-able: 

  • Energetic focused guidance into the center of the Blockage/Survival Pattern
  • Healing impact realization, to release the energy that is stuck in your Body/Mind System
  • Support and guidance for your inner process, individual and in the couple constellation 
  • Spoken sentences of liberation to get your Energy back into the flow

The individual & couple coaching session can evoke:

  • The realization of new possibilities in your life, individually and together
  • Physical changes: An inner release during the session can set up a new order in your Body/Mind System
  • New ways to connect and react in your relationships
  • Deeper understanding of old patterns and how to overcome and reveal them in daily life 
  • The courage to stand up for your own path
  • Welcoming independence yet the ability to stay in exchange and connection
  • To finally address long-postponed decisions
  • A new way to experience your life, with a natural feeling of flow and inner alignment


How I work

In my healing sessions I combine my skill of reading energetic fields with the use of shamanic forces, to guide and help you through the process. My Master-Studies in Coaching & Mediation are the base of my work, to create a safe space for you.

Thanks to my experience and subtle perception of people and their concerns, I am able to reconnect individuals & couples with the natural flow of their life. Moreover, my wide range of inner exploration of the feminine and masculine energy I am able to understand both energies within an individual or the individual spreading of these energies within a couple.

On this path I will encourage you step by step and in some phases I will also challenge you, so that you can move beyond your learned patterns and new structures get space.

In any case, my intention ist to guide you through this journey safe, with the best possible outcome for your next step in life.

You are welcome, just as you are!

My intention is to reconnect you with your natural flow of life!

I look forward to meeting you